
Saturday, January 31, 2009

A Summary:

In the notion of Behaviorism, it involves identifying learning objectives and reinforcing behavior through a system of rewards and punishment. The learner’s behavior is shaped to obtain the desired outcome of the educator. This learning process involves the interaction between the learner and his/her environment. Behaviorism believes that behavior is shaped by the environment. However, this notion is not as popular in the academic world as it is in the corporate world. Behaviorism and its conception of human nature propose the idea that people are selfish i.e. doing things that benefit themselves, hence the reward and punishment system.

In my opinion, this theory of behaviorism is could be applied to learners who are lack of the initiative to learn. Through employing the rewards and punishment system, it will help to increase the learner's desire to carry out a certain behavior. This is assessed by the learner according to the potential benefits he/she could reap from carrying out the behavior. Like in many situations in life, an over-dependency on the reward system may backfire as immunity to the system may occur. For instance, in the academic world, rewarding students who performed well with certificates and chocolates may work at first but not in the long run. However, for the corporate world, certificates and monetary rewards as well as promotions in cases where workers take initiative to upgrade their technical skills may serve as better rewards and would thus work better in the long run.

In Cognitivism, it is associated with people’s own internal representation and it involves the interaction between stimulus and response. Learning in this theory is about changing, building new ideas and theories. The educator sets an independent learning environment that gives educational freedom to learners. The theory of cognitivism believes people have an intrinsic motivation and possesses the desire to learn.

This theory is effective in countering problems that involves creativity and imagination. I find this theory more applicable in the academic world and in the media/creative field of the corporate world. Creativity is to be experienced and explored. Hence, educators should provide space for creativity and give guidance to learners when divergence occurs. For example, in the academic world, teachers should encourage students to try to express themselves in different ways. This would not only be a good creative journey for the students but for the teachers as well when new ways of viewing things are explored in the classroom.

In Socioculturalism, the learning takes place across systems including that of individuals, other people, objects and tools. In this theory, the focal point shifts from an individual learner to a larger system that comprises of other people, tools and objects. This form would require content, tools and language. An example would be the IVLE. The IVLE functions such as the forum and workbin allow educational materials and opinions to be exchanged among the teaching personnel and students. Therefore, in this theory, interactions with others and objects in the world takes place in the activities.

Socioculturalism could be used for group learning activities in schools. As mentioned, the IVLE functions allow students and teachers to learn from one another. In my opinion, this theory serves well for both the academic and corporate world. This is because through learning from others, one could explore different opinions and ideas and further elaborate on them. However, one shortcoming of this theory occurs when learners do not take the initiative to take part in the discussion. Hence, ultimately, these 3 theories may be used in combinations to counteract such problems. For example, Behaviourism and Socioculturalism theory could be employed together to spur the learner’s initiative to participate in forum discussions.

posted by Wei Ning at


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